matan.base [source]

module matan.base


  • sample — The class to manage your specimen, actual base class of MatAn

matan.base.sample [source]

class sample(name: str, comments: str = None, manufactured_method: str = None)

The class to manage your specimen, actual base class of MatAn

This class should be used as base MatAn's class, to define your specimens, with its composition, modification etc.


  • name : str — name of the class

  • comments : str — comments for the sample

  • manufactured_method : str — manufactured method of the sample


  • NameError — when name is not defined


FIXME: Add docs.


matan.base.sample.composition_from_name [source]

method sample.composition_from_name(delimiter: str = '-', percent_sign: str = 'p')dict

Method to obtain information about composition from name

This method allows to obtain the composition of your sample from its name. For example when name of the sample is 10pX-20pY, after using this method your sample class will have composition paramter of {X:10, Y:20}. This method can also return this dictionary


  • delimiter : str — delimiter of each compound, if example was 10pX-20pY, then delimiter will be "-". "-" is the default value

  • percent_sign : str — percent sign symbol, in example case of 10pX-20pY it was "p". "p" is the default value


FIXME: Add docs.


  • dict — composition

matan.base.sample.modification_from_name [source]

method sample.modification_from_name(mods: list, place: int = 0)

Function that finds if the sample was somehow modified, for example by thermal annealing

This can be useful in case you are testing modified samples, and you marked your filename with the letter describing it. By default describing letter is


  • mods : list — that is the list of potential modification you have used, for example A for annealing

  • place : int — That is placement of your describing letter in the modification name. By default it is 0, so for Annealing it will be A


FIXME: Add docs.


  • NameError

matan.base.sample.method_from_name [source]

method sample.method_from_name(delimiter: str = '-', placement: int = 0)

Find the technique how the material was created

Find the method how the material was created, what methods were used to modify it, etc. To do so it is using first letters of filename, so for extruded parts you can use EXT, for annealed extruded parts you can use aEXT etc. For example if you obtained your material by FDM method containing 90pPET10prPET, you can use FDM-90pPET10prPET name, and it will set instance method variable to FDM


  • methods : list — what methods you have used on your set

  • delimiter : str — what sign you wanna use to finish your method string. By default it is -


  • NameError — when Sample name is not defined


FIXME: Add docs.