MatAn should have

  • [x] sample class - the thermomechanical test manager [0.1.6v]
  • [x] files_manager to find and manage your data files [could be better, 0.1.9v]
  • [x] tensile_test object to manage the single tensile test [0.1.7v]
  • [ ] tensile_tests object to merge the strain-stress curves, as well as calculate mean parameter values, with the errors [0.1.10v]
  • [ ] Charpy's test manager
  • [ ] DSC tests manager
  • [ ] HDT test manager
  • [ ] Rheological parameter manager
  • [ ] Thermal/chemical modification manager
  • [ ] Generate FEM material models for CAE software like ANSYS, CalculiX or OpenFOAM
  • [ ] Generate matplotlib's barplots plots with just one command,
  • [ ] use Polars to enhance the efficiency?